Friday, 30 January 2015

Errors In Php

There are three basics errors in php:


These are non-critical errors means, if accessing a variable which never defined php show notice error for it.


echo $myvaiable; 
// print output
//Notice: Undefined variable: myvariable



These are not critical but these are serious errors mean if user include file but it has some problem in  loading so php show warning errors.


// including file
include 'file_name.php'

// this will generate a warning or E_WARNING because file loading is fail 
//print output 
//Warning: include(filname.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
//Warning: include(): Failed opening 'filname.php' for inclusion 



These are critial and important errors means if user call a function which not exits then its show fatal error and stop the script


// call a non-existent function
// this will generate a fatal error (E_ERROR)

/print output
//Fatal error: Call to undefined function callmyfunction() 


Include Vs Require

The only difference in Include & Require:

  • Include show warning if any problem in file loading and script will continue.
  • Require show fatal error and if any problem in file loading its stop the script.


  • Use Include when file is not necessary in application so its continue script if there is any problem in file.
  • Use Require when file is important for an application so its stop the script if there is any problem in file.

Require Methods

Two different method for require


Require() method use for including multiple files,its takes all content of file and copies it in the specified.
syntax for require() method as below:

require 'file_name.php';

file_name.php means path of file


Require_once is similar as require() method ,only different is that if the code from a file has already been included, it will not be included again
syntax for require_once method as below:

require_once 'file_name.php';

Include Methods

Two different methods for including files:


In php include() method use for including multiple files,its takes all content of file and copies it in the specified.

syntax for include() method as below:


include 'file_name.php';


file_name.php means path of file


Include_once is similar as include() method ,only different is that if the code from a file has already been included, it will not be included again

syntax for include_once method as below:


include_once 'file_name.php';
